Zetlin & De Chiara LLP, founded in 1992, is a leading construction law firm committed to providing innovative legal and business advisory services to members of the design, construction and real estate industries. Our attorneys include individuals with in-house construction counsel experience, architecture and engineering degrees, and LEED accreditation. The firm provides counsel throughout the planning, design, and construction process — from drafting and negotiating contracts to advising on risk management strategies. We have extensive experience representing clients in litigation and alternative dispute resolution, and also advise on business formation, licensing and corporate issues.
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Michael De Chiara, Esq., Partner, Email: mkd@zdlaw.com
David Abromovitz, Principal, Email: dabromovitz@zdlaw.com
Zetlin & De Chiara
801 Second Ave, 17th Floor, New York, NY 10017
Phone: 212.682.6800