The AIA emphasizes the importance of continuing education in architecture to advance and improve the profession. Architects engage in continuing education to maintain competency, prepare for the future, fulfill AIA membership requirements, and register to practice architecture in New York State.
Earning AIA credits
The AIA measures continuing education in Learning Units (LUs). You earn one LU for every hour of continuing education. AIA Architect and International Associate members must complete 18 LUs from registered AIA/CES providers each year. Of these 18 LUs, 12 must cover health, safety, and welfare (HSW) topics.
Architect Emeritus members are required to complete 1 LU annually. Associate members are not required to meet a minimum number of hours but are encouraged to take continuing education courses to advance in their careers and the profession.

Look for AIA-approved providers to earn LUs that apply to your AIA requirements. When you take a course, provide your AIA member number and we’ll automatically update your AIA member transcript.
Most state licensing boards accept the AIA transcript as proof of your completed continuing education courses. Check with the New York State state licensing board for any specific requirements for license renewal.
AIA members who take a course from an AIA Continuing Education provider will see credits reflected in their transcript within 10 business days of learning program completion.
Not a member?
For courses completed since the new interface launched in November 2017, retrieve your completion certificate from the course materials page. For courses completed before November 20, 2017, visit the “My courses” page to download a certificate of completion. Or, join the AIA to get your free online member transcript, and we’ll update it automatically each time you take an AIA course.